
Yiddish-Translation.com was created by me, Naomi Elbinger, a professional translator living in Jerusalem. During my translation adventures, I noticed that it many people don’t know where to turn when they need to translate Yiddish texts.

Translation companies seem to treat Yiddish just like any other language, but from a translation perspective it is unique. Firstly, many Yiddish documents are handwritten and hard to read – the require special care and persistence to translate accurately. Not only are there many dialects, some of them extinct, but it has a complex historical and political character and a distinct difference between the way it is spoken and written. Yiddish-Translation.com was created to capture and preserve the unique flavor of Yiddish through accessible, affordable translation services.

I love managing Yiddish projects because it allows me to read fascinating, original historical documents and meet wonderful people who are exploring their Jewish heritage. Apart from Yiddish Translation, my other passion is an online modest clothing mall, which I help to run. Oh yeah, I’m also a Mom to 3 wonderful kids.

Whether you are looking to translate a Yiddish word, letter or book, Yiddish-Translation.com is a real metzia (just what you were looking for). We offer a listing of Yiddish translation resources and the world’s best (and only) dedicated Yiddish translation services.

So be heimishe, contact us for a free no-obligation quote or just to schmooze.